Annual Meeting
Eagle Cliff Ski Association
When: Saturday, September 10, 2022
Where: Spearfish Canyon
Grab your friends and spend the afternoon in Spearfish Canyon! Enjoy a hike and then join fellow ECSA members and ski/snowshoe enthusiasts for our annual meeting on the Latchstring Inn deck. Complete the afternoon with conversation and a no-host beverage and/or dinner.
Grab your friends and spend the afternoon in Spearfish Canyon! Enjoy a hike and then join fellow ECSA members and ski/snowshoe enthusiasts for our annual meeting on the Latchstring Inn deck. Complete the afternoon with conversation and a no-host beverage and/or dinner.
The pre-hike and post-dinner are optional activities intended for fun and fellowship. If you are interested, we'd sure love to have you join us for these events in addition to the annual meeting.
The pre-hike and post-dinner are optional activities intended for fun and fellowship. If you are interested, we'd sure love to have you join us for these events in addition to the annual meeting.
2:00 pm: Hike
2:00 pm: Hike
Enjoy the beauty of Spearfish Canyon on your own or with friends. Four suggested hiking trail options are:
4:00 pm: Annual Meeting
4:00 pm: Annual Meeting
Gather on the Latchstring Inn deck for ECSA updates and upcoming events and activities. In addition, bring your feedback and suggestions to share with the board regarding trail experiences and ways to improve user experience. View the meeting agenda.
5:00 pm: Drinks and/or Dinner (no-host)
5:00 pm: Drinks and/or Dinner (no-host)
Fellowship and Fun!