How can I help to sustain Eagle Cliff trails by becoming a member or donating?

Your membership helps maintain the trails and parking lots of the Eagle Cliff trail area. We appreciate your contributions to help us sustain our volunteer efforts. Become a Member and/or Donate to show your support.

Where can I rent cross country skis?

Edge Sports near Lead, SD and Rapid City Scheels offer cross-country ski rental packages.

How much does it cost to ski the groomed trails at Eagle Cliff?

There is no cost to ski the trail network. Eagle Cliff Ski Association is a volunteer organization. As volunteers, we work to promote and maintain the trails for recreational use. If you enjoy the trails and would like to assist with the costs associated with equipment, grooming, plowing, insurance, etc., we very much appreciate donations to support these efforts.

Are dogs allowed on the Eagle Cliff trails?

Dogs are welcome on designated snowshoe trails at Eagle Cliff and the Sunny Meadow trail

Please ensure safety for skiers and dogs and leash your dog if necessary. Keep your dog under control to avoid collisions when dogs are in the direct path of skiers traveling downhill. Such collisions have happened at Eagle Cliff causing injury to skiers. 

Skier safety is a top priority for the trails. Dog tracks have the potential to disrupt relatively smooth ski track flow and compromise skier safety, so they are only welcome on designated snowshoe trails and the Sunny Meadow trail. 

What are the official dates for trail grooming?

The grooming contract between ECSA and the US Forest Service allows ECSA to groom trails only between December 15 and March 15. Unfortunately, ECSA is not allowed to groom trails outside of this timeframe, even if weather events outside this timeframe gift us with copious amounts of snow.

Which Eagle Cliff trails are designated as snowshoe trails?

Hollow, Holey Rock, Lily Park, and Hamburger are designated as snowshoe trails at Eagle Cliff. Lost Run Trail is designated as both a ski trail and a snowshoe trail.

How should I report a downed  tree blocking the trail?

If you encounter downed trees on the trail, please contact us or send us a Facebook message. Your report will help us to clear the trail as quickly as possible.