ECSA Newsletter
Fall 2023
Membership Dues: Please Submit Early
As the new season gets underway, we request that you submit your membership dues early. This will significantly help the association maintain financial health as we cover costs associated with plowing parking lots, hiring a groomer, licensing and insuring equipment, etc. We have several ambitious projects happening this year with associated expenses, so we sincerely appreciate your support and paying your membership dues early. Thanks to all who have already done this 🙏🏼.
Please renew early here and thank you!
Grooming Machine Fundraising
Roam'n Around (Friday, October 20, 4:00 - 7:00 pm)
Please make plans to attend our upcoming fundraiser hosted by Roamin’ Around at 512 Main Street, Rapid City, SD.
Lost Cabin Beer Co is contributing fine beer to the cause to accompany yummy snacks, good company, a prize drawing, and an opportunity to view and/or purchase artwork by Richard L. Fort, founder of the Eagle Cliff Trails and the association.
First 50 attendees receive a gift, and you can also check out deals on socks!
Come out and enjoy an evening of fun and help us raise the funds we need to continue to groom the Eagle Cliff winter trails!
Hurray for Bridget & Jon & all the Roam'n Around crew for helping us out with fun fundraising!
Dakota Shivers Brewing
The bratwurst fundraiser at Dakota Shivers Brewing (thank you Nick and Shivers team for hosting!) in September exceeded the goal for the event and everyone had a great time! We appreciate y'all coming out to support this fundraising event.
We Need Your Support!
Thank you to all who have contributed to the snow grooming machine fund! We are now over two-thirds of the way to raising the $18,000 needed to purchase the snow machine and cover the ECSA obligation for 20% of the expense for the grooming equipment (trail grooming drag). If you haven't already contributed, we really need your support to raise the remainder of funds. If you have contributed and could manage to give a little more, that would be much appreciated as well!
Please contribute to this effort and heat up our fundraising thermometer!
Grant Updates
Recreational Trails Program
The good news is that we recently received delivery of grooming equipment (trail groomer drag) for which 80% of the funds were provided by grant funds from the Recreational Trails Program (through the SD Game, Fish and Parks). The not so good news is that the 80% was based on the original price quote submitted in the grant application in March. Unfortunately, the total price increased by almost $500 by the time that grant funds were released and the purchase was made. There was also an additional $125 delivery fee tacked on to the 20% for which ECSA was responsible as matching support.
Live Well Black Hills
We are celebrating the completion of the You Are Here wayfinding sign project! The new signs are in place at all trailheads and junctions. This project was funded through a grant from Live Well Black Hills. Thanks to the ECSA Trails and Signs Committee!
Intro to Cross Country Skiing Class
Wednesday, October 25, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
ECSA is partnering with the SD Game, Fish, and Parks Outdoor Campus on this course taught by ECSA instructors. Please spread the word to those who might be interested in learning how to cross country ski and experience the joy of winter at Eagle Cliff. Participants will learn everything they need to know including cross-country ski benefits, gear, and equipment. View complete details and registration information.
Eagle Cliff Trails Map
Check out the ECSA website Area Trail Map page to view the updated map of the winter Eagle Cliff Trails network. Download a PDF of the map and save it to your phone for reference when out on the trails.
The page also has information about the Avenza Maps app. It's free and offers maps to download to locate yourself without cell network connections. It's a useful tool for navigating the trails offline for times when you'd rather not be completely lost in the Eagle Cliff Trails winter wonderland.
No Trail Maintenance Day
The trails are ready for the season! Our friends at the United States Forest Service and the ECSA Trails Committee have been working diligently for the past few months to prepare the trails in anticipation of the ski and snowshoe season. The trails are ready, so we won't need to hold the annual trail maintenance day.
We do ask for your assistance in keeping the trails clear, so if you encounter downed trees while out on the trails, please contact us or send us a Facebook message.
ECSA Board Changes
Thank you, Janet!
Heartfelt appreciation to Janet Sanders who is stepping down from her role as ECSA Board treasurer after many years of managing our finances and keeping us straight with the SD Secretary of State, not to mention her role in the establishment of the Intro to Cross-Country Skiing course and on-site events as well as the myriad of “I can do that” responses and action on so many of the endeavors of the club. Janet will continue to assist with fundraising as well as future ECSA events. A thousand thanks is not enough for all that she has done for ECSA!
Welcome Mary!
The board has elected Mary Garrigan to replace Janet on the ECSA Board and as treasurer. We look forward to having Mary serve as we continue to foster the mission of ECSA and face the challenges of the future.
DOT Signage
When you pass the Eagle Cliff Trailheads on Hwy 85 now you will note several new signs posted by the SD Department of Transportation (DOT) that identify the trail system AND the specific trailhead names for Sunny Meadow, Holey Rock and Bratwurst. Many thanks to the DOT for allowing us to collaborate on posting these signs. Serving people to help them find their way to the trailheads is a very gratifying outcome!